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Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

Business Insight Review’s privacy policy is extremely ethical, and we never share personal information with third parties unless it is required by law. For a better user experience, we improve our website based on aggregate data from our users. 

Refund Policy

No cancellations will be accepted by Business Insight Review. Business Insight Review maintains the right to reject or terminate advertising at any time if it is deemed inappropriate for any reason. Advertiser-supplied materials that are not prepared according to Business Insight Review criteria and/or arrive beyond the material due date cannot be guaranteed to be of high quality.
All terms and conditions are subject to change without notice, and our liability is limited to a refund of the advertising fees paid to us.
If any modifications to the ad material, content, or any other aspect of the ongoing contract are required, the advertiser must call Business Insight Review at least 20 days prior to the release date.

Terms and Conditions

Your use of this website and mobile application is governed by the terms and conditions listed below. You have read and agreed to these Terms and Conditions by using the website and/or Other Channels. Please take the time to read them thoroughly. These Terms and Conditions constitute a legally enforceable agreement between you and the website concerning your use of the website. Please leave the website if you do not agree with any of these terms.

We reserve the right, in whole or in part, to change, modify, add, or remove any component of the terms and conditions at any time. Any modifications made at any time will take effect as soon as they are posted on the website.

All materials and services on this website, as well as third-party sites to which it links, are provided “as is” or “as available,” with no warranties of any kind.

All rights to regulate, edit, alter, or remove all materials uploaded by or through the website are reserved by Business Insight Review. Any such items provided by users are not our responsibility. However, Business Insight Review reserves the right to share any information as needed to comply with any law, regulation, or government request, as well as to edit, refuse to post, or remove any information or materials, in whole or in part, that are objectionable or in violation of these Terms of Use, our policies, or applicable law in our sole discretion.

All content on the website (including, for example, directories, articles, opinions, reviews, photographs, images, illustrations, advertising, logotypes, trademarks, audio clips, video, html, text, source and object code, software, guides, data, and all other related matters, including, without limitation, the selection and arrangement of the aforementioned and the “look and feel” of this website) is owned by Business Insight Review. All copyrights and other proprietary (including but not limited to intellectual property) rights are reserved by Business Insight Review. You do not acquire ownership of any content, code, data, or materials you obtain on or via the website as a result of your use of it.

The functionalities contained in the materials are not guaranteed to be uninterrupted or error-free, that faults will be remedied, or that the website, including bulletin boards and the server that makes it available, will be free of viruses or other dangerous components. The user is responsible for all necessary computer and other device maintenance, repair, and correction costs.

Acts of God, work stoppages, national emergencies, strikes, or other situations beyond the publisher’s control do not entitle Business Insight Review to publish or circulate any portion of an issue(s).

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